The best poker players have several skills in common. They must be disciplined, persevere through losing streaks, and always seek to learn from their mistakes. They also need to understand that it takes time to improve, and that their best opportunities for success may not be in the most fun games. They must also know how to play to their bankroll, avoiding over-betting and under-betting.
The most important thing to do is to learn how to fold properly when you aren’t a big winner. Many players are afraid to fold, especially in the face of large bets, and instead push their weak hands hoping for a miracle. This is a huge mistake.
It is also important to check correctly when you have a strong value hand like top pair with a weak kicker. This will keep your opponents from betting you out of position and allow you to get the most value out of your hand on the flop or river.
Another skill is understanding how to handle the never-ending ups and downs that poker throws at you. This is something that a lot of players fail to do, even at the highest levels of the game. Learn how to manage your bankroll and build resilience against variance by working on your mental game. This will help you cope with bad beats, coolers, and downswings and prevent you from burning through your entire bankroll on one bad day.